Lost 1
Reaching Towards Light
Bád 5
Bád 6
Bád 2
Bád 3
A boat, a ladder, some cloud…
drift on still waters,
a crack of light through grey skies…
we climb the ladder
The boat has been referred to by poets and philosophers as the vessel that contains our lives, or our bodies.
We travel through life in this fragile vessel, or boat. Sometimes we drift happily, the boat floating on still clear waters. Sometimes we travel in a flotilla or in a group of boats, sometimes with a partner vessel, sometimes alone.
At times we focus on a definite course, towards a set goal or destination, perhaps to the safe haven of an island that is home. Other times we encounter stormy seas and troubled waters and it is a struggle to stay aboard.
Always, we search for something higher, for meaning in a journey that is sometimes fraught.
There is a ladder that invites us. It is a fragile thing, constructed of dreams and of hope. There is light shining beyond the hazy cloud.